Welcome to the BWS Network

The BWS Network is a professional and social community for alumni, parents past and present, former and current staff and governors, and friends of the School. 

This is a place for you to share memories, develop your career, make social connections, and offer your support to current pupils and alumni.  

Join the BWS Network online today!

Welcome from the Head Master

Welcome to the Bishop Wordsworth’s School Network - a place for Old Wordsworthians and friends of the School to stay in touch with each other - and with us. 

We are incredibly proud of our history and those who have studied and taught here. Amongst the Wordsworthian community is an impressive network of people, with an extraordinary breadth of talents and expertise, capable and willing to offer advice and guidance.  

Whether you need assistance now, or in the future, or are able to offer it and have something to share, we are equally keen to hear from you. I hope the BWS Network will prove an invaluable resource for creating social, career and business opportunities and supporting one another.  

Please join us and become part of a growing global Wordsworthian community. 

Best wishes, Dr Stuart Smallwood
